Jamberry Facebook parties: an easy path to work from home success or an exercise in stupidity? You decide.
If you’re new to BOTTLESOUP, welcome! This is our 5th piece on Jamberry and the 3rd installment of our Tuesday Jam Series. Whether you love or loathe Jamberry, you’ll find these article informative, interesting and entertaining. Thanks for joining us!
Today, we’re going to discuss Jamberry Facebook parties. We’ve all gotten an invite to a Jamberry Facebook party.
At first, it was new. You’d see the invite and think, “Wow, what’s this?”
Then, it was puzzling. “Wait, why are 3 of my friends inviting me to Jamberry Facebook parties?”
After that, it became downright annoying. “OH MY LANTA ANOTHER ONE! WHY?!”
Finally, it stopped. “Wait, why are none of my friends inviting me to their Jamberry parties anymore?”
There are several reasons why your Jamberry party Facebook invites have slowed or stopped. Here are some of the major causes:
- The Jamberry market has become saturated. Since everyone and their mother has started their own Jamberry “business”, there’s no one left to become a customer. We’ve gone over this theory in the other posts but essentially Jamberry’s consultants are their primary customer. If a Jamberry Consultant wants to stay active, they must sell a certain amount of product per month. They can do this by selling to customers they find OR by purchasing the product themselves. Many end up purchasing the product themselves or resigning as consultants. There’s no shame in ending your Jamberry business; the majority of people in direct sales never turn a profit, ever. So, leaving is usually your best bet to avoid financial debt and disaster.
- The direct sales model is flawed. The reason the majority of Jamberry consultants do not profit from their “business” is complex. A major reason? No formal business training or experience. And, yes, this truly matters. Successful businesses are built based on business plans that have been carefully thought out. They’re not built by throwing $100+ at a company, agreeing to their terms and services, and selling a product with a small commission. Specifically related to Facebook parties: Jamberry consultants are not digital strategists. The majority do not possess the strategic foresight, planning, and technical knowledge to run a profitable social media campaign. If they did, that would be their job. They wouldn’t need to sell nail wraps for a $4 commission.
- Facebook’s algorithms keep spam at bay (and FB is pay to play, too). Since so many people infiltrated Facebook with their Jamberry consultant garbage, Facebook’s algorithms moderate the amount of visibility each Facebook user has about Jamberry. This is so Facebook users can enjoy a variety of posts and people instead of being spammed by the same company over and over again. If Facebook allowed the most frequently mentioned things to be prominent for free, Facebook would be a giant Starbucks advertisement. Instead, Facebook, as a corporation, has monetized its platform by offering paid boost/promotion for posts. If you choose to pay as little as $5 to boost a post, you’ll see a dramatic increase in exposure (just make sure your ad is in compliance with Facebook’s terms and services). Otherwise, an unboosted Facebook post sees an organic reach (organic reach means the number of people you reach without paying for ads) of just 2%. So, if you want to have a successful Facebook following, add that cost to your Jamberry budget.
- Unfollow/hide features. A lot of your friends are too polite to say this to your face, but they’re sick of your Jam spam. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out you’re trying to sell them something, and if you haven’t spoken with your “friend” in years but want their business, they’re going to end up feeling used. Instead of confrontation, they just unfollow your posts or hide your group. This way, your feelings don’t hurt and they are no longer bothered by your crap. KWIM?
If you’re a Jamberry consultant, you’ve probably had Jamberry Facebook parties. We encourage our audience to be real, raw and honest about their experiences. If you’re still drinking the Jam juice and too stubborn to admit your Jamberry business is not a viable career option, don’t worry: we’ll still be here and accept you when you’ve finally come to terms with it.
Next week, we’ll be sharing an in-depth and detailed Jamberry cost breakdown. It will be epic. See you, then!
MissM says
If anyone thinks that selling Jamberry (or any other direct sales) is going to be some sort of windfall, they are mistaken. Admittedly, I do sell Jamberry and never pictured myself in direct sales. Please. I work in elementary schools. If I need Pampered Chef, 31, Mary Kay, Tastfully Simple, Younique, Avon, Longaberger, etc., I’m pretty much covered. The other thing is that those ladies *really* irked me. They were pushy and tacky. And these days, I’m finding many to be unauthentic. I got invited to a Younique party and the consultant started to PM me and try to upsell things I didn’t want. A week later, she tried again, but this time under the guise of the recent family pictures I had posted and how awesome they were and how difficult it would be to choose and, oh yeah, can I help you expand your makeup collection by hosting a party??? No thanks! As for Jamberry, it’s been over a year and honestly, I’ve made more than I’ve spent and that was the goal. It’s a product I do love and I figured a little extra cash in my pocket wouldn’t hurt and so far, it’s just dandy. I knew I’d be spending money on these puppies and rather than go broke doing it, I figured I’d use it to my advantage. Am I going to quit my day job? No. Do I like having fancy nails and not going to the salon to have masochists torture me under the guise of a relaxing mani or pedi (sorry, for me, they are not relaxing and actually painful)? Yes.
Tsu Dho Nimh says
Another reason why your Jamberry (or other MLM ad, such as but not limited to Mary Kay, Lula Ros, Younique, wraps, weight loss coffee, jewelry, cookware, etc) post is not seen if you put it on a community buy/sell page is that the admins delete it. If you repeatedly post it, the admins may delete the ads and block you.
The only posts that make users send more complaints to page admins than MLMs is porn.
As an admin of a community buy/sell page, I delete every MLM ad I see, and if your banner image is pronouncing your love for the MLM of the week, your request to join will be ignored.