A lot of mommy board users wonder what all the acronyms and abbreviations mean, but struggle to find an accurate list. Look no further. Here are all the acronyms and abbreviations you’ll ever need to survive the mommy boards.
Acronym | Meaning |
AF | Aunt Flo |
AP | attachment parenting |
BB or BBS | bulletin board |
BBC | BabyCenter |
BBL | be back later |
BBT | basal body temperature |
BC | because, or birth control, or before children |
BCPS | birth control pills |
BD | baby dance (sex), or baby daddy |
BF | breastfeed, or boyfriend |
BFN | big fat negative (pregnancy test) |
BFP | big fat positive (pregnancy test) |
BIL | brother-in-law |
BM | breast milk, or bowel movement |
BRB | be right back |
BTDT | been there, done that |
BTW | by the way |
CD | cycle day |
CF | cervical fluid |
CIO | cry it out |
Circ. | circumcise |
CM | cervical mucus |
CWIM | see what I mean |
CS or C/S | cesarean section (c-section) |
DC | daycare, or dear child |
DD | dear daughter |
DF | dear fiancee |
DH | dear husband |
DP | dear partner |
DPO | days past ovulation |
DS | dear son |
DSD | dear stepdaughter |
DSS | dear stepson |
DTD | do the deed (sex) |
DW | dear wife |
EBF | extended breastfeeding, exclusively breastfeeding |
EBM | expressed breast milk |
EDD | estimated due date, or expected date of delivery |
EWCM | egg white cervical mucus |
FF | formula feeding |
FIL | father-in-law |
FT | full time |
FTM | first time mom |
FTR | for the record |
FWIW | for what it’s worth |
FYI | for your information |
GOAT | indicates member has read all previous comments before posting |
HPT | home pregnancy test |
HIPPO | indicates member is commenting without reading other comments |
HTH | hope this helps |
IC | incompetent cervix |
IMHO | in my humble opinion, or in my honest opinion |
IMO | in my opinion |
IRL | in real life |
ITA | I totally agree |
IUI | intrauterine insemination |
IVF | in vitro fertilization |
JJ or J/J | just joking |
JK or J/K | just kidding |
JMHO | just my humble opinion, or just my honest opinion |
KWIM | know what I mean |
L&D | labor and delivery |
LO | little one |
LOL | laughing out loud |
LP | luteal phase |
MC or M/C | miscarriage |
MIL | mother-in-law |
ML | maternity leave |
MM | mother’s milk |
MYOB | mind your own business |
NMS | not my style |
NMSAA | not my style at all |
NP | no problem |
O | ovulation, or orgasm |
O’d | ovulated, or orgasmed |
OMG | oh my gosh, or oh my god |
OP | original poster |
OPK | ovulation predictor kit |
OT | off topic |
PG | pregnant, or pregnancy |
POAS | pee on a stick (i.e. pregnancy test) |
PP | previous poster |
PPD | postpartum depression |
RE | reproductive endocrinologist |
ROFL | rolling on floor laughing |
SAHD | stay-at-home dad |
SAHM | stay-at-home mom |
SAHP | stay-at-home parent |
SD | sperm donor |
SIL | sister-in-law |
SO | significant other |
TCOYF | take charge of your fertility |
TIA | thanks in advance |
TMI | too much information |
TTC | trying to conceive |
US or U/S | ultrasound |
VBAC | vaginal birth after cesarean section |
WAH | work at home |
WOH | work out of the home |