We've all seen it. Pretty much any "controversial" post written by a woman, regarding parenting or mom-ing, is met with a barrage of the same tired comments: "Stop the mommy wars" or "Stop fueling the mommy wars" or a variation of that notion. Today, I'm telling you to STFU about the "mommy wars". It's annoying. It's anti-feminist. And it's some serious BS. Women who have … [Read more...] about Stop Talking About the Effing Mommy Wars
5 Amazing, Affordable Ways to Elevate Boxed Mac & Cheese
Looking for a low-carb option? The Ultimate Keto Mac and Cheese is the best! While many of us aim to make super healthy dinners for our families, there are some nights that you either want to be indulgent or are too busy and tired to make something complex. On nights like those, I turn to boxed mac & cheese for an easy, quick dinner. Yes, we all know how … [Read more...] about 5 Amazing, Affordable Ways to Elevate Boxed Mac & Cheese
Pregnancy Guide to Caffeine at Dunkin’ Donuts
Since many of my readers enjoyed the Starbucks Guide for Pregnancy, I decided to make a caffeine guide for pregnant Dunkin' Donuts lovers. The current pregnancy guideline regarding caffeine is to avoid caffeine as much as possible. However, the March of Dimes and several other sources say keeping your caffeine under 200mg a day is perfectly acceptable. So, how much coffee is … [Read more...] about Pregnancy Guide to Caffeine at Dunkin’ Donuts
Tula Tuesdays: What is Tula Market Value (Or Why Does a Used Baby Carrier Cost More Than a New One)?
Parents new to the Tula world scan eBay, craigslist, and B/S/T groups with confusion. "I thought a new Tula went for $149, how come this one costs $300?" The deeper down the rabbit hole they explore, the worse it gets. "I thought $300 was bad. Why is this one $1,250?! Wait, look, there's one for $4,000!" Then, denial. "No one pays that much for a baby carrier. No … [Read more...] about Tula Tuesdays: What is Tula Market Value (Or Why Does a Used Baby Carrier Cost More Than a New One)?
Tula Tuesdays: The History of Tula In The Wild (and other things)
Often, Tula newbies ask, "What's Tula In The Wild?" Or "What's TITW?" (TITW is the acronym for Tula In The Wild, and it has nothing to do with the first three letters, you potty brain). I've decided to break the silence and share with the Tula community the exact, precise history of TITW. … [Read more...] about Tula Tuesdays: The History of Tula In The Wild (and other things)