As parents of tiny humans, we all know how difficult it is to get the day started. It's especially hard when you have a little person with an attitude like this: I mean, how exactly am I supposed to get ANYTHING done when something so cute and so sassy demands my attention? Well, it's a challenge. But there are things that need to be done. Like eating. Cleaning. Crying. … [Read more...] about Parenting Hack: How to Warm a Bottle and Get Your Caffeine Fix at the Same Time
infant milestones
Three Things New Parents Need to Stop Expecting, Like, Yesterday
I troll a lot of new mom, new dad, and expecting parents' forums and blogs. Even in my own birth club, I'm constantly finding parents who are expecting entirely too much of their tiny humans. And, truthfully, I get it. We're all excited. Babies are wonderful. We can't wait to make memories. We can't wait to play games. We can't wait until our babies reach that next milestone. … [Read more...] about Three Things New Parents Need to Stop Expecting, Like, Yesterday
How Young is Too Young For…
Coffee? Because, today, I caught my 9 week old sipping a cup of espresso. And, no, it wasn't decaf. Surprisingly, he's quite mellow at the moment. But we all know how long that will last (see: not very long at all). Tomorrow, Clark has his 2 month check-up. Essentially, that means vaccines. I've read all these posts about the horrible aftermath of baby's first shots. … [Read more...] about How Young is Too Young For…