As parents, there are times where we all think we’re doing it wrong (even if we don’t admit it). Being a parent is equal parts stressful and rewarding (I hope?), but no matter what you do people will always judge your parenting style. Yesterday, I got judged in my own apartment for letting my 10-month old fling spaghetti and tomato sauce all over the living room (HE WAS HAVING A GOOD TIME, OK?!). Although some people think things like feeding your child McDonald’s or formula make you an unfit parent, these examples deliver a big STFU to those snobs. This week’s roundup of loathsome parents includes 8 winners from around the United States. Although the stories are quite sad, I hope it will serve as a reminder that, overall, you are (most likely – and, especially, in comparison) a fantastic mom:

1. Latasha M. Wilson. She is accused of abandoning her baby in a cave; now, she’s accused of murder and abandonment of a corpse. On a scale of 1 to chicken nuggets, this lady is a baby bottle of toxic waste.

2. Cristina Louise Westerfield. Westerfield is being charged with child abandonment and endangerment after leaving her 5-year-old all alone in a dormitory of a college Ms. Westerfield doesn’t even attend.
3. Raquel Barreras. Methadone and Percocet addicted Barreras was under CPS surveillance since 2008, before her now dead 3-year-old son was even born in 2010. Barreras is being charged with murder.

4. Ebony Wilkerson. Drove a van filled with her own children into the ocean at Daytona Beach. Her bail has been reduced from $1.2 million to $90K after attorneys began pursuing an insanity plea.

5. Catalina Marista Bruno. Bruno left her 11-month-old son in a car on a scorching Miami day. Her son broiled to death; Bruno is being charged with aggravated manslaughter and has plead guilty. However, Bruno has admitted to being an alcoholic and is being sent to rehab after just one year of jail time.
6. Janet Wilson. In charge of her disabled daughter’s care, Wilson did not notify authorities of her daughter’s death, allowed the body to decompose at her Toms River home while she went to Reno, Nevada, and continued collecting her daughter’s disability checks. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

7. Shavon Carrillo. Told her sleeping 11-year-old “I love you” before shooting him in the head. She planned to shoot her other children, ages 2 and 9, but luckily her brother in law woke up and took the gun away from her. The 11-year-old is in critical condition, but he is not expected to survive.
8. Reba Doyle. Sentenced to two years of probation after slapping and shaking her child. Lovely.
So, there you have it. Eight moms who are much worse than you are, even if you let your children run wild, eat junk, and go to bed late. You’re welcome, Internet.
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