A couple weeks ago, I published a post about how MLMs prey on moms, particularly stay at home moms who have limited income earning options. You can read it here.
While I stand by that article and agree that most “consultants” do not earn their keep selling things like Jamberry Nails, I decided to write a feature about T. (name is withheld not because T. requested it, but because I have no interest in harming T.’s reputation or ability to provide for her family) , a Senior Lead Consultant with Jamberry.
Originally, her side of things sounded like a tremendous success story. I was also being bombarded by comments from other Jamberry consultants, telling me how “wrong” I was about Jamberry, so I thought a deeper look was in order. So, dive into the depths I did. And this Jamberry story is not what I thought it would be.
Statistically, “On average, 99.95% of network marketers lose money. However, only 97.14% of Las Vegas gamblers lose money by placing everything on a single number at roulette.” (Source) As a disclaimer, I am not, nor is BOTTLESOUP, benefiting from the sale of Jamberry nails. I am notย receiving any payment or commission from this post – this is strictly for informative purposes, so my audience can get a betterย look at the Jamberry world and make their own decisions. I urge you to do your own research before becoming involved in any network marketing/MLM/at home consulting, andย consider T.’s story as one of the 0.05%.

Bee says
I fell for Jamberry about a year ago. What can I say? I was recovering from a serious illness, I was bored, and I got sucked in by the idea of pretty, no-chip nails. I had a party and sold a crapload of stickers to my friends and family. That party “earned” me 50% off my kit. Ok. The kit included the heater and four sheets of stickers so I figured that was worth it even if I failed at being a consultant. It took me about a month before I began to question things and two months before it dawned on me that I’d been had. I figured out the same Math you did and realized that 30% commission on $15 was not going to get me very far based on the hours I was expected to invest to “work my business”. At month three, I got a bill from Jamberry for $25 in order to have access to my selling dashboard and webpage. Wait, what?! No.
I have to pay to have access to a simple dashboard to sell their stuff? No way. And don’t even get me started on the money the expect for “marketing materials”.
But the worst part is that the Jamberry ruined my nails. I was wearing them all the time as instructed. I followed all directions and tips for application and removal and my nails became dried, cracked and brittle no matter what I did or how long I soaked them in coconut oil. It was a painful, unpleasant experience.
And if anyone says anything about the product, the higher ups just say it must be user error. Umm..no. I did it right, their adhesive ate my fingernails and that is not good.
There was no way I could sell a bad product to my friends and family.
So I quit. They were nice about it. They tried to get me to be a “hobbyist”, so I could still get the discount and have parties (sell their stickers to my pals) and they would not charge me for having an account with them, very gracious don’t you think?
I said no thanks.
Shame on me for falling for an MLM but seriously, shame on them for selling a bad product that actually causes bodily harm.
I did meet a couple of nice people who were consultants but I also heard stories of ladies being cutthroat. Unfortunately, I think the consultants have shown their true colors in your comments section. Mean girls with pretty/ugly nails. Sad.
I actually plead temporary insanity and thanked my friends for indulging me during my winter Jamberry madness. I am lucky to have good friends.
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
Bee, thank you for sharing. I’m sorry for your experience, but I’m sure your words will help others. I found the part about Jamberry trying to keep you as a “hobbyist” incredibly enlightening. No one has ever told me about that before! As far as the nasty Jamberry reps go, I can take it. I feel bad for them.
Basketcase says
I joined because of pretty nails too. I didn’t need it to pay the bills. The consultant who signed me up was even honest about the fact she wanted a sizeable team so she could quit being a home-based carer.
They ate my nails too. I can only wear certain kinds (no metallics) and only for a very short period of time, and if I have other nail varnish underneath (defeats the purpose). Add to that I could never manage the kind of smooth finish that was marketed for them, the edges ALWAYS popped up and caught on things. Sigh.
Their weekly update emails are about 2,500 words long, which is far too much bulk of writing.
Made my last purchase last month (to get a couple of really cute sets I actually really like).
I’m not big into selling, opted early to drop to hobbyist, now haven’t sold enough to maintain that, so they want to drop me to a “customer” account. Nope.
I have a friend who is still selling (as a hobbyist too), so if I (or my close circle, who all have had no issues with their nails) want more wraps, I’ll just buy through her.
Angie says
Loved reading this! I am a current consultant and I agree 100% with everything you have written.
I also am with Bee and don’t believe in the product, the wraps at least!
The reason I joined was I thought I was helping out a sisters friend by joining and then a month later she barely exists.
I think there is also a massive divide between those “making money” and those barely hanging on! Some girls have over 2k AUD in product on hand, how do they make any money???The only way to make money is to sell it on ebay! haha. And The Compensation plan rewards you with…. product credit on top of your other product credit with a dash of product credit.
And the amount of nasty, scamming, copying, consultants out there is unbelievable! Some nice though…!
I’ll quit when people stop booking parties, I am a sucker for not letting people down!
Anyway you have me convinced! I am sure the rest dont have that business degree to be able to translate this. And yes I have a business degree for reals :p
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
Thanks for sharing, Angie.
Jess says
Hi Angie and Mrs Bottlesoup,
I’m still a fairly new Australian consultant. Angie how do you feel about being paid based on American dollars or PRV instead of actual retail value? All you hear before signing up is that you get a 30% commission on what you sell and its only after you place an order and get your first commission or you find that information under resources; whichever comes first. I resisted joining at first but I placed a few orders through my friend who had lost her job and was struggling financially but then she convinced me to sign up as a hobbyist for the 30% discount and then from there the talk of becoming a full consultant and having your own team starts.I never had any illusions about how much money I could make. I have a brain and was able to see how much you would need to sell to make any kind of decent commission from it but then what you get is not really 30% commission. From what I have been able to work out so far, you get paid 30% of the commissionable value which is about 65% of the sale so it really isn’t a 30% commission in Australia or at least not in the way that it seems at first. Plus all you see is consultants giving out samples and half sheets and buying all of the marketing materials and paying for their website. I don’t know how any of them are making anything at all. Jamberry don’t really need to pay for advertising as the consultants, who are usually their best customers also, do that for them by paying for their website and maintaining their social media business pages etc.The girls on my team are great and I have no problem with the products as yet and don’t find them difficult to use but feeling like I have been misled has soured the whole thing for me.
Craig k says
My wife does jamberry. It helps keep her busy and she finds the process fun. She recruits and sells but does not go out to mislead people. I understand that people feel burnt by it and i feel for them as people look for an easy pay anywhere. However in the time i have watched my wife do this she has never been under the illusion of “financial freedom” nor has her managers ever said this to her. In all sales environments there are rich and poor stories. It is the nature of sales.
I read of people complaining about being bombarded with jamberry and yet will gladly accept other forms of direct marketing like brochures and ads on a webpage.
Whilst your articles are well written and seemingly well researched, i am dissapointed in how you approached this. According to thecomments on the last article, the above article was meant to be from the other side to balance tje argument but instead you have given up your supposed objectivity and written another disparaging article. I am aware the example consultant you used may have misled you but then you should have found a consultant who would be able to show their reasons for joining and selling jamberry which is not all about financial freedom.
Simply put…. If you dont like it, dont buy it. If you dont look into it enough than dont act surprised when it doesnt meet your standards. To the author… Dont state that fact and simple math are the basis to your ‘opinion’ piece without properly researching a suitable counter opinion to add balance. Just state the true purpose of your article as trying to discredit jamberry instead of researching it.
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
Craig, I don’t care what you’re disappointed in and if your “wife” is so happy with Jamberry, let her speak for herself.
In the past week, I’ve had 3 comments from “husbands”. Lame. Where’s the “sisterhood”?
I’m not going to stop discrediting Jamberry. I have researched it. My research is true and factual. Your “wife’s” story is anecdotal and if true, is the exception not the rule. If you don’t like my article, don’t read it. How about that?
Isilzha says
So, what is your wife’s per hour rate? Be sure to subtract all the costs associated first.
There is no amount of “looking into” these MLM scams that is going to make the numbers work! Sorry, but MLMs are not designed to get your wife and others like her rich. They are cogs in an increasingly unstable machine. If every level has to recruit 6 people by the 8th level it would require more people than exist in my metro area and would take 80% of the population of the state. If everyone is a “consultant” then who are the buyers? These MLM scams are such a huge time and money sink and the cost/benefit analysis is dismal. Nearly everyone who tries it loses money! Yes, a few may find great success at it, but it takes great hubris to think that the odds are it’s going to be you (or your wife). The winners have already been determined and they are the ones running it. It’s much better for you to put your time, energy and money into something less risky…like go to Vegas and play some slots, you have a better chance of coming out ahead doing that.
beccakv says
Hi there Mrs. Bottlesoup.
Firstly, I owe you an apology. I was one of those consultants that went at you on your previous blog post. I am sorry, sincerely! You are and were extremely well studied in what you wrote on, and I am very impressed with your research.
I no longer sell nail wraps (I have a TON of wraps to get rid of and I can keep the cash for myself). I still think they’re fun but will not longer be invested in the business. It really isn’t worth it (don’t get me started lol but I’m very sure you know).
Secondly, those website links for WAHM have me intrigued. You obviously know what you’re talking about, and as a teacher during the school year, it would be great to make some extra $ in the afternoons and weekends doing something I can trust won’t scam me over.
That’s what got me to sign up for Jamberry. The school year had just ended, so I needed something to keep me busy day to day. I was pregnant, so my activities were limited. It seemed like a great idea at the time.
You seem to know your stuff on things I could do (and TRUST) as a SAHM and homeschooling teacher and you obviously have a good head on your shoulders. Could I get your email so I could talk to you further? (About Jamberry or otherwise)
Thank you! And again, sorry! ๐
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
Becca, it’s cool. I understand that you were passionate about making Jamberry work for you and your family. But, hopefully you can see why I’m so passionately against Jamberry and other direct sales companies now that you’re on the other side of things. I’d be happy to help you find a legitimate way to work from home. I’ll send you an email now. Thanks for the update!
beccakv says
Hey I somehow missed the email you sent awhile back!! I’ve also read your bit on Lularoe and found it very interesting and well informed. I’m wondering if you have ever looked into a newer DS company called KEEP Collective? You can design your own jewelry. Just thought it would be great to hear a well researched take on that, and you’ve proven to be able to back up everything with facts. Let me know if you ever look into it! P.S. I’m still looking into WAHM ideas and stuff. I’d love to find something to do here at home with the babies that I won’t regret getting into lol. Thanks in advance!
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
I did a piece on KEEP Collective, though it was not as in-depth as this article. If you’d like more info or others would like a deeper look into KEEP Collective, I’ll put it on my list and get a blog post up within the next month.
Kristyn says
Curiosity got the best of me and I was googling trying to see how much these Jam-bozos (Ha!) actually made. It took me a second to find your follow-up post after reading through the comments and seeing there was one. I would link to this in your original post – I am sure you get a lot of hits from this. Thanks for providing a glimpse into the reality of these business models!
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
Thanks for reading, Kristyn! Happy I helped you avoid a financial loss.
OverTheBS says
I am so ready to blow the lid off this company, it’s unethical practices and the intolerant Jamsisterhood. Be careful of the questions you ask because you might get pushed out of the group. Seriously, this is the biggest scam out there and there are more us in this cult that are realizing that the Emperor is wearing no clothes. Keep your money in your pockets ladies and Never Ever become a Jamberry Consultant! Not worth it and you definitely spend more than you make. But remember to “fake it till you make it” as your Team Managers suggest.
Angie says
What are the unethical practices?? I am on your side (Post Above is mine!)
Someone did a facebook post the other day, that made me go.. hang on we are actually meant to be businesses not sisters. In the real world aren’t we meant to be competing against each other?? Yet I am expected to follow your rules (the sisterhood, not JB).
I definitely agree, if you question anything, you are given the same answer, like “oh their doing it wrong”.
I have stopped purchasing product unless its free, and am trying to transition out of it, I do not spend any money on this company (as you do spend $$$$ on start up, who ever said you don’t need product or to pay business expenses is lying – do the math on 1. business cards. 2. flyers. 3. party prizes. 4. market set ups – inc product, displays, raffles etc!)
ThereIsMoreToThisStory says
I will come out of the shadows soon but trust me, my story will get every smart woman in America to boycott this company. I have an attorney and once the lawsuit is underway I can start telling my story. Right now we are in a wait and see stance with the Home Office. Be patient and I will tell all when the timing is right. Just know Miss Bottlesoup has our backs and the Jambots need to stop with their rude comments, because she is just looking out for all women in general. Her blogs have me fighting for what is right. I thank her for her frankness and her honesty. She has been a blessing, not a fake blessing that is Jamberry’s motto. Jamberry is not a Blessing, it is a Curse.
JustSayHellNO says
I am beginning a Class Action Lawsuit against this company. All those who have had their nails ruined by this product say “I” or were mislead in their false advertising about receiving a $25 rebate for Consultants that signed up in February. The company is only providing rebates to those that complete their Fast Starts which wasn’t disclosed until after you signed up and entered the dashboard and clicked through the links. It was under the Incentive trip no less where I discovered the ultra fine print about the $25 February sign up rebate. The whole thing is a SCAM to the highest degree. Do NOT be fooled or mislead. And the only people who buy and wear these Nailwraps are the Consultants. I hate to tell you this but most women would not be caught dead wearing these “ugly nail stickers”. Think I am joking… Go check out the mommy threads… That is if you really want to know what people are saying behind your back.
Melissa Martina Burris says
I am not involved with Jamberry but I know some who are. If someone enjoys selling them, that’s fine but what I found odd was their clear tactic of trying to make others jealous of what they do. I see post after post of group selfies, with hastags such as #becauseofjamberry #areyougoingtowatchorjoin, along with photos of people holding things with their nail wraps in clear view. They also heap compliments on each other, which may look empowering at first, but often seems over the top. Another marketing ploy, perhaps? Consultants who are successful earn trips around the country which is appealing, but again, a jealousy tactic is used by having them all post a facebook cover photo saying things such as “Out of Office– In Maui because of Jamberry”.
It just seems shallow and materialistic when you think of the overall picture, and searched the internet wondering if I was the only one who thought this, lol.
Jane says
That tactic is classic MLM procedure. Jamberry is not unique in that respect. I know some people who are high up in a nutritional MLM, and the hashtags and photos from events are overwhelming. I cringed when I saw these the other day: #makealife, #watchusorjoinus, #missiondriven, #peoplechanginglives. This was not Jamberry, so obviously they all use the same ones. The worst was the last one IMO. I just can’t imagine presenting the selling a product, even a health product, in such a self-important way.
JamberryistheNewBEC says
Lol…yes my Team Manager changed her cover photo on Facebook to say “Because of Jamberry we are going to Hawaii” and then preceded to post photo after photo of all the fun she was having due to making Jamberry lots of money. It’s probably a jealousy tactic but I also think it’s a physchological tactic too. It makes the Consultants who have a hard time selling or building a team that they are doing something wrong and then they feel shitty about themselves and are likely to buy more products themself to gain acceptance. The ladies at the top of Jamberry are not your friends and will only pat you on the back when you are selling or producing for them. My Team Manager for instance would post images saying “Yay! Team Active!” Which means to be active you have to have a minimum of $200 PRV personal retail volume. It’s like yay! We are winners because we are selling and more often than not buying the products ourselves…the other team members are losers because you failed to bring in $200 in sales. They play us off each other and if you ever fall out of the group because of a question you ask…do you think your Jamsisters will come to your defense? No, they trample on you and make you believe you did something wrong because you questioned something that seemed odd and out of place. Like why are we being charged a $3.00 service fee to use the company commission paid-out debit cards? Isn’t that illegal as hell? I was kicked out of the group for asking questions like this one and was even told to seek answers privately on my own through the dashboard or to message my Sponsor but to not ask questions such as that on our private group page because it is discouraging to other Team Members. Whatever! Talk to the hand of my attorney now!
Isabel says
I just wanted to say thank you for your transparancy and willingness to share information so openly. I have been looking for a link to something that I can work from home with, and I am looking through the links you suggested for an opportunity to supplement our family income. Thank you so much.
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
You’re welcome. ๐ I hope you find one that works for you and your family. Thanks for reading!
Whinge Whinge Wine says
This is completely shocking! Except it isn’t. Great article.
Evge says
I am neutral to Jamberry… Was, before reading this! THANK YOU Mrs Bottlesoup.
I have a fb friend, acquaintance, to be exact. Her name is M, she is wife of my former colleage. M. started selling jamberries like a year ago, i think. I unfollowed her after a couple week (it was too much to tolerate) but kept her in friends. I know for sure, she is the classic variant that you described: sahm, 2 daughters, husband is a jobless unknown actor (exceptionally nice person though!), husband temporarily working as a server in a restaurant. Family was struggling financially big time. And when she started consultantship, she looked desperately happy, forced jolly, trying to have people have fun at her parties and luring them into participating. She had all her friends/family immediately support her. She sent me a sample too. I liked the way it looked, but i was reluctant to order, i couldn’t make myself pay $45 for the deal she was offering. The price turned me off. I chose to donate the same amounts i would be spending on jams to animal charity, and i continued choosing charity over pretty nails through the whole year… It turns out it helped me avoid ruining my nails! Thank you God, sincere comments and mostly, thank you, the author of this article, for disclosing so many interesting facts! My great respect to you and i really enjoyed the language in both posts.
Getting back to the topic… Today i went to M.’s fb page to check on her, i was curious, if M. still does it. She does. I thought she would stick from the very beginning. She was trying VERY hard (not pushy, just very earnestly) – she is Primier Consultant now according to the picture of her picture on projector in their gathering i think in los angeles. They (husband , M., and two daughters) are flying to Disney World soon bc of jamberry money, or so she says on her page… I wish i had your courage, mrs Bottlesoup, in asking consultants to provide proof of their income from selling jams… I find it hard to believe, but M. might be that 0.05% success story that you wanted to feature in your “other side point of view” post.
The following is the part exclusively for Mrs Bottlesoup and it is not a part of my public comment: you have a typo there, mrs Bottlesoup. “Mary Kay reps should be rolling in the Benjaminโs” – Rolling in the Bendjamins – it’s plural, thus you shouldn’t need an apostrophe. I apologize in advance for my own typos and errors, English is not my first language. Thanks!
JamInsider says
The Disney World trip is not an Incentive Trip to be earned. It is Jamberry’s Conference open to any and all Consultants who are willing to pay the $225 Conference Ticket fee and it does not include flight or hotel. Your friend is a liar, liar…pants on fire type of girl.
Jennie Jamieson says
I guess the only thing I have to say is, why are you only focusing on Jamberry? Every DS/MLM company is like this. They all have the same model for profit and recruiting. Some cost more than $100 to join and are a larger waste of money (trust me, I lost $4000 on one certain all natural skin care line that was bull).
After reading the comments, I’m also very curious about this lawsuit…
For the record, I wear the wraps. I think they are fun.
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
I’m not. I’ve written articles on other MLMs. You can read those pieces here and here.
Mary says
I joined just a few days ago realized something a miss with dubious wording on their site and was shocked to learn about the monthly website fee – you can’t even join people up without paying a monthly fee. So rang the customer service, she didn’t even know that you could have 3 months free use of the professional site. The operator was very very defensive and I realized this is a really really unprofessional set up unlike any I have encountered before. I told her there is no way I am going to promote this product if I will not get any benefit from it, and there is no way I would make enough by selling retail. I said if anyone asks me where I go it from I just won’t tell them. She sprang to life then, I was very polite and said oh well it’s a shame. But after reading this blog and another from a BJ victim, I’m sorry I have wasted so much of my precious time, and my initial outlay of $150 AUS. Most importantly and you may not like to post this, but I believe wholeheartedly that the foundation of this company is a direct reflection from the grass roots that came from the people who founded it, mormons. Mormonism where the religion is a lie, a counterfeit of Christianity. The company is the same, a terrible deceitful lie. Beware.
Mary says
sorry error AUD not AUS
ivfmommy says
yep…I’m one of the suckers! I got sucked in by a friend and then she fell off the earth. There is no training, no assistance and no money to be made. in the 18m I was paying for my website, I lost over $1000…yep I was my best customer. While I still love and wear the product, I have enough to last me a lifetime! I have spent too much on marketing, put myself out there trying to sell and host parties but with so many reps, there arent enough customers that want the product!! and dont get me started on the new overpriced gel products…sorry but this Jamlady just quit. I cant afford to blow that much cash without any coming back it!
LaughingAllTheWay says
GOod article! I’m right up there with ivfmommy.
I escaped the scheme! What finally turned me off to the Jamberry “sister-hood” was the fact the team I was a part of made enough sales to send our up-line leader to Hawaii… o_o
ALL the work was done by the ladies who signed up under her pyramid. It sucks that this is the way MLMs work. OH and the fact that my up-line made a very passive Facebook post about “working hard for your money” right after she and I spoke. But whatevs, I’ll use my marketing car magnet for craft projects and my leftover business cards for kindling. Hopefully I can make back a little money by selling some of the jams I still have.
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
I’m sorry for your experience but happy you wised up! The company is so lame. I’d love to see what you make of the car magnet ๐
CrazyBusyMama says
Hi. Thank you for this article. I found it fascinating. I recently joined Jamberry because I love the product. But only after I did my own research. I reached their page (and yes, the higher executives are all men) and noticed a lot of what you talk about. I came in this with eyes wide open. I have a background is business and sales (and I have my BA) in Business administration. I am aware of pyramid business and the way this company works. Nothing you wrote surprises me. Then Why did I join!? Simple. I am tired of working for a company – I am a wife and mother who needs to work on my own time. I already have my own business, and I joined Jamberry because I loved the products and I thought it would be a fun thing to sell and make some extra money with. I have been doing it for about 6 months and I have no complains. YES, I work super long hours – I am a mom after-all – I put in a few hrs a day to Jamberry and I make money through my other business as well. I would not be selling it if I didn’t love the product. But to make money you have to put in time and effort. This is not a get rich quick – or OMG the money is just rolling in – and when I talk to people about it I am upfront and honest with them. Great article!
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
Hi, CrazyBusyMama! Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate that you went into Jamberry with your eyes wide open. Most women don’t. I think more transparency in direct sales would be great – I think from your comment it seems you’d agree? Happy you’re successful! Thanks for reading!
B says
Hi all!
Thankyou for your insight! I agree that there are always 2 sides to every story but I have to disagree that Jamberry is a scam. Yes there is very limited potential for real money as with most things – only a select few make it to the top, but it can be a great on-the-side business for those looking a bit of fun money. I joined Jamberry in Australia a month ago and love it so far – yes there are other costs aside from the start kit but anyone with half a brain would know that you need more to conduct business properly than what they offer in the starter kit.
I don’t see it as a get rich quick scheme because lets face it: anything worth having requires a heck of a lot of effort. I joined as something to do in my spare time at home (SAHM to a 6m little boy, husband is studying medicine) because I didn’t really have a hobby other than occassionally going to pilates.
For me it’s fun money- not “financial freedom” from bills but financial freedom from having to save up if I want a new dress or a spa session. I have not made $1000’s or even $100’s.
And the nasty sisterhood – yes there are absolute cows out there, one tried to recruit me back in May, but then there are some of the nicest people you will find. No need to get nasty about it all. Just state the facts and let it go ๐
B ๐
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
Thanks, B. How is it going for you now?
Sannipanni says
I personally have a few wraps and enjoy shopping and using them. They aren’t perfect but neither are my manicures and i like the fun designs so that’s ok (granted a bottle of nail polish costs a fraction of a wrap and gets you more mani/pedis). It’s a shame they went with a scammy pyramid scheme for distribution instead of the classical retail model – though it’s obviously very lucrative for Jamberry. Am curious about the work culture at HQ but I would be surprised if it’s a healthy one… I find it hard to support a company that exploits their own consultants (that debit card fee someone mentioned in a comment was the last straw) so maybe I’ll check out eBay for a few fun leftover wraps that are in some poor former consultant’s ginormous stash.
Thanks for the insights!
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
Thanks for reading!
Amy says
You can get Jamberry nail wraps at dollar tree now. By the way- it cost max $0.50 cents to make a sheet of them wraps. You’re overpaying and making them men rich.
Mrs. Bottlesoup says
I would LOVE if you could provide a picture of Jamberry at the Dollar Tree. That’s classic!